Monday 19 September 2016

Goat Farming Business Plan

Goat Farming Business Plan 

A suitable and effective business plan is a must for starting any business. As goat farming is a proven highly profitable business idea so, it is very necessary to make a proper goat farming business plan before starting this business. Make a clear and up to date plan before investing your money in this market. Although goat farming project requires less capital and investment than raising any other livestock. You can start goat farming business with a very small investment. But in the result you will get more profits than any other livestock farming projects.
High profit within a very short time, little investment, huge global demand are the main reasons of spreading this business rapidly throughout the world. If you want to start this business and if you have the ability of making a plan perfectly then you will defiantly be able to achieve the highest profit from goat farming business. If you are a beginner in this market then first of all meet with some successful goat producers and visit some farms. By visiting some farms and producers you will get some clear idea about the pros and corns of this business. This will help you running your business perfectly. However, for making a suitable goat farming business plan read the following criteria very carefully.

Goat Products:

First of all make a clear decision of what do you really want to produce and sell from your goat farming business . Goats are multi-purpose animals. You can produce the products like milk, meat, fiber, manure and skin form goats. Go to your nearest market and try to understand which goat products have a high demand in the market. Try to produce those products which you can sell easily in your local area and in the market. Otherwise you will lose money instead of being benefited.
For an example, you have established a dairy goat farming business. And your goats are producing milk highly. But there are a little or no goat milk consumer in your local market. Then what will you do with your production? So, always keep in mind this factor and try to produce those products which you can sell easily in your local market. If you have a good facility of marketing your products internationally then you can produce any product from your farm. However, make a good decision of what you are going to produce form your goat farming business 

  • meat:Nowadays goat meat has a great demand internationally. And this rate is increasing rapidly day by day. A report shows that about 70% of total consumed meat globally comes form the goat. If you have sufficient facility of selling goat meat in your local market then you can start raising some highly meat productive goat
  • Breeds . Boer, beetal, Matou, black bengal etc. are highly meat productive goat breeds

  • milk:Goat milk is enriched with many necessary nutrition elements and it is easily digestible. As a result it has huge demand in local and international market. Goat milk is also very suitable for making all types of dairy products. If you can sell goat milk in your nearest market easily then you have to choose some highly milk productive goat breeds. Some highly milk producing goat breeds are saanen, jamunapari, Toggenburg, anglo nubian , Alpine etc.
  • fiber: If you want to produce fiber form your farm then Cashmere and Angora goat are very suitable. Both are highly fiber productive.
  • skin:All goat breeds produce skin. But few of them produce high quality skin. For business purpose Black Bengal goat produces high quality skin. And their skin has a high demand and value in the international market. Before start raising goats for skin be sure that there is a market available for selling your product.

  • manure:Some crop farmer uses goat manner in their field. It is a very high quality organic fertilizer. You can earn some extra money by selling the manure of goat

   Goat Housing:Commercial goat farming needs suitable house for profitable production. Serious goat producers make separate house for their goats. You should make such a house which can provide  all types of facilities for your goats. Good house keeps the goat healthy and free from diseases. This directly increases the production. So, before starting consider how comfortable house can you make for your goats. Investment in housing is fixed. And you can use one house for several years.

   Feed Management:Goats are ruminants. They eat almost all types of crop, corn and leaves. It  would    be better if you have a grazing place where your goats can roam freely. In this system your     goat will    get food from natural sources and it also reduce your food cost. In case of raising goats     by providing    them home made supplementary feed be sure that all feed elements are easily     available in your local   market. Also ensure sufficient supply of clean and fresh water.

Health & Care:Always try to raise your goats hygienically. Sometimes your goats may suffer by various diseases. Make sure that a veterinarian doctor is available near your farm. If possible stock some necessary vaccines and medicines in your farm. And always vaccinate your goats timely.

Tips & Suggestions:There are many factors related to this business. Before starting goat farming business, ask some questions to yourself.
    1. Do you love goats? Loving the animals that you are raising is very important for success-fullness in any business.
    2. Do you have any experience in this business? If not, contact with your nearest animal husbandry training centers or visit some farms.
    3. Do you have enough capital for setting up your farm? You can also apply for bank loan.
    4. Do you have enough facilities for goat farming? For example clean and fresh water source, cultivation of green feeds like plants or grasses, proper marketing, medication etc.
    5. What is the market condition of your location? Try to understand the market demand and price of your products.
    6. Do you have enough time & interest? This is very important for beginners.
    7. Can you personally take care of your goats? Don’t depend on labors. Try to take care of your goats personally along with your labors. Learn more about their health and diseases management. If possible visit some farms practically for several days and try to learn everything related to this business.
    Before starting goat farming business plan consider your budget and some other factor related to this business. How much capital do you have? How many facility can you provide to your goats with this capital? Which product do you want to produce form your farm? What are the natural facilities available there for goat farming? Is there any market for selling your products in proper price? Is there any grazing place near your farm? Can you provide provide proper treatment and medicines? If all the answers become positive then you should start goat farming business immediately. Wish your happy and profitable goat farming business.


      1. Why do goat rearing?

    Goat is a multi functional animal and plays a significant role in the economy and nutrition of landless, small and marginal farmers in the country. Goat rearing is an enterprise which has been practiced by a large section of population in rural areas. Goats can efficiently survive on available shrubs and trees in adverse harsh environment in low fertility lands where no other crop can be grown. In pastoral and agricultural subsistence societies in India, goats are kept as a source of additional income and as an insurance against disaster. Goats are also used in ceremonial feastings and for the payment of social dues. In addition to this, goat has religious and ritualistic importance in many societies. The advantages of goat rearing are :

     i) The initial investment needed for Goat farming is low.

     ii) Due to small body size and docile nature, housing requirements and managemental problems with goats are less. 

    iii) Goats are friendly animals and enjoy being with the people. 

    iv) Goats are prolific breeders and achieve sexual maturity at the age of 10-12 months gestation period in goats is short and at the age of 16-17 months it starts giving milk. Twinning is very common and triplets and quadruplets are rare. 

    v) In drought prone areas risk of goat farming is very much less as compared to other livestock species. 

    vi) Unlike large animals in commercial farm conditions both male and female goats have equal value. 

    vii) Goats are ideal for mixed species grazing. The animal can thrive well on wide variety of thorny bushes, weeds, crop residues, agricultural by-products unsuitable for human consumption. viii)Under proper management, goats can improve and maintain grazing land and reduce bush encroachment (biological control) without causing harm to the environment. 

    ix) No religious taboo against goat slaughter and meat consumption prevalent in the country. 

    x) Slaughter and dressing operation and meat disposal can be carried without much environmental problems. 

    xi) The goat meat is more lean (low cholesterol) and relatively good for people who prefer low energy diet especially in summer and sometimes goat meat (chevon) is preferred over mutton because of its "chewability" 

    xii)Goat milk is easy to digest than cow milk because of small fat globules and is naturally homogenized. Goat milk is said to play a role in improving appetite and digestive efficiency. Goat milk is non allergic as compared to cow milk and it has antifungal and anti bacterial properties and can be used for treating urogenital diseases of fungal origin. 

    xiii) Goats are 2.5 times more economical than sheep on free range grazing under semi arid conditions. 

    xiv)Goat creates employment to the rural poor besides effectively utilising unpaid family labour. There is ample scope for establishing cottage industries based on goat meat and milk products and value addition to skin and fiber. 

    xv)Goat is termed as walking refrigerator for the storage of milk and can be milked number of times in a day. 

    2 Scope for goat rearing and its national importance

    2.1   The country has 115.278 million goat as per 1992 livestock census has increased to 120.8 million in 1997 and ranks first in the world. The state wise goat population is given in Annexure-I. Goat meat production stands at the level of 0.47 million tonnes. The slaughter rate of goat is at the level of 39.7 % as compared to 31.8% for sheep and 11% for buffaloes respectively. Goat also produce 2.55 million tonnes of milk and 0.1288 million tonnes of skin as per FAO 189 records 2002 report (Annexure-II).The trend in consumption of mutton and goat meat shows increase from 467000MT in 1981 to 696000 MTin 2002indicating annual compound growth rate of 1.28 % during 92- 02.Sheep and goat meat production has reached 700400MT during 2002in India. Ovine meat export has touched 29670 thousand $ during 2000 which was then reduced to 5635thousand $ during 2001.

    2.2   Goat make a valuable contribution to the livelihood of economically weaker sections of the society. Amongst the livestock owners goat rearers are the poorest of the lot. 

    2.3   Realizing the importance of goat in the agrarian economy of the country, various developmental activities have been taken up by Govt. of India. The Central Government had established Central Institute for Research on Goats at Makhdoom, Farah, Mathura District, Uttar Pradesh. During VIII Plan Period Seven Intensive goat breeding farms were proposed with the objectives: 

    i) To produce 1000 stud bucks per year for the distribution among goat rearers 

    ii) To improve yield of milk and chevon through selective breeding of regular breeds like Jamnapari,        Beetal, Barbari, Jakhrana, Jhalawadi. 

    iii)Cross breeding of non Pashmina goats with Angora goats to produce Mohair in Jammu and Kashmir,    Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. 

    iv) To conserve germ plasm of regular breeds like Jamnapari, Beetal, Barbari, Black Bengal, Malbari,    Sirohi etc. 

    3. Financial assistance available from banks/NABARD for Goat rearing

    3.1   NABARD is an apex institution for all matters relating to policy, planning and operation in the field of agricultural credit. It serves as refinancing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit for agriculture and rural development. It promotes development through a well organised Technical Services Department at the head office and Technical Cells at each of the Regional Offices. 

    3.2   Loan from banks with refinance facility from NABARD is available for starting Goat farming. For obtaining bank loan, the farmers should apply to the nearest branch of a Commercial or Co-operative or Regional Rural Bank in their area in the prescribed application form which is available in the branches of financing bank. The Technical Officer attached to or the Manager of the bank can also help/give guidance to the farmers in preparing the project report to obtain bank loan. 

    3.3   For goat rearing schemes with very large outlays, detailed reports will have to be prepared. The items of finance would include costs of assets like Development of land, construction of sheds, purchase of equipments, purchase of breeding stock, rearing cost of animals till it generates income etc. The cost of land is not considered for loan. However, if land is purchased for setting up a goat farm its cost can be treated as party's margin as per the norms.